Sunday 26 August 2012


Causes of cystitis

Cystitis usually occurs as the result of an infection.
Although anyone can get cystitis, adult women are most commonly affected. Most women get at least one attack in their lifetime.
For some women cystitis is a rare event, for others it happens four or five times a year. Cystitis is more common in sexually active women, during pregnancy and after the menopause.

Symptoms of cystitis

Common symptoms are a sharp pain when passing urine, and an urgent and frequent need to pass urine, often with little or no urine being passed.
Other possible symptoms include blood in the urine, backache, loin pain, lower abdominal aches and generally feeling unwell.

Preventing cystitis

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Drinking one glass of cranberry juice a day is also believed to help prevent cystitis.
After visiting the toilet, women should always wipe themselves from front to back. Loose clothing and cotton underwear help, too.
Avoid potential irritants such as perfumed bath oils and vaginal deodorants. Don't douche. Always wash before and after sex, and pass water as soon after sex as possible.

Cystitis treatments

Treatment options include:
  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day, including cranberry juice
  • Making urine less acidic by mixing a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with half a pint of water (over-the-counter remedies containing sodium citrate or potassium citrate are available in solutions or sachets)
  • Your GP may prescribe antibiotics if a bacterial infection is present
  • Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen
Ask the doctor for advice if this is the first time cystitis has occurred, if the symptoms don't improve after 24 hours or get worse, if blood is present in the urine or if symptoms are accompanied by fever, loin pain or lower backache.

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